He has made everything beautiful in His time. He has placed eternity in the hearts of men yet they can not fathom what God will do from beginning to end. - Ecc. 3:11

Monday, February 18, 2013

Is this real life?

So I decided to start writing a blog again. What I failed to realize is that I started this blog three years ago. What? I chuckled as I saw the title of my page. It is fair to say I am not the most technological person when it comes to creating templates or adding pictures to a Facebook page. However, I thought I was somewhat bright enough to try and change the title of this page due to the fact that the wedding was 2 years ago and I failed to lose 40lbs. But I did look cute at the ceremony. At least I thought so. Regardless of how cute i looked, I can not figure out how to change it... So the title remains. So much has happened in the last three years. I am feeling a little emotional today so I will not journey down that road just yet. So for the first blog entry in three years we (I am not sure who else I am referring to but that doesn't matter)will keep it short. Writing is my outlet. I analyze way too much when I don't express myself verbally or on paper. So is the season I find myself in a the present moment. And somewhere out there I have to believe that I am not the only person asking the question...."is this real life?" That question does not always mean that we....I...am in a place of complacency or frustration. For me, it means that the situation and/or circumstances before me are so completely different than what I thought or imagined that I have to ask the question, "Is this real life?" So my blog will be about those situations I face and how The Lord meets me there to remind me that not only is He Sovereign...but He is more than able to usher me into His presence and let me cry, laugh, vent, ask.. And then He will respond. A response that usually fills my very heart with such sweet love. I pray this go around I am a little more disciplined in updating this blog. It is good for me and I pray that it is encouraging to any who may read.